Empowering Trustees with Technology

Technology gives the trustee control and supports governance through real-time data and structured processes. Giving you compliance and accountability.


Putting trustees back in control

Our integrated Mantle platform offers significant added value to the Trustee, including the ability for the Trustee and Company to view casework, to review up-to-date data quality scores, as well as real-time funding and investment information. This includes access to projected cashflow information which can be very useful when considering de-risking transactions with insurers.

Introducing our intuitive solution

We have a user-friendly, collaborative and intuitive e-governance solution to give trustees online access to relevant reporting anywhere, anytime, from any device. It can host all key scheme documents securely for viewing, downloading and editing, with a full audit trail.

Our e-governance model uses Microsoft Teams to  facilitate minute taking and meeting pack collation. It holds current issues papers, investment reports and other relevant scheme and governance information.

Using integrated applications within Teams we can produce decisions, tasks and action logs directly from the meeting minutes. This ensures everything is captured and consistent.

Key Milestones

Importance of timely processes

Trustee operations work well because we have important steps and times set up to make sure things run smoothly. These steps keep track of what needs to be done and when, making sure trustees do things correctly and on time.

Want help organising your processes?

Find out how we can help you

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