We offer advisory services to help employers manage strategic options and administering authorities ensure fiduciary oversight and quality administration.

Guidance for employers and administering authorities

Large scheme membership and multiple employers increase the risks and challenges faced. Both employers and administering authorities need expert guidance that effectively advocates for their specific needs.

We have separate specialist advisors and operational services that serve either the employers or the funds within multi-employer LGPS schemes.

The common goal is to create an informed and proactive environment where the tools used, and advice given are in response to the distinct conditions imposed on LGPS scheme participants.

Services to employers

You have recently seen significant improvements in LGPS funding levels, but your LGPS exposure remains a risk. The funding position remains volatile, and you need to understand your options.

We help employers identify the options available that complement their strategic business goals. Negotiating effectively with funds is key, as well as exploring broader and possible alternative pension arrangements for employees.

Find out more about our Employer service

Services to funds

Your fiduciary oversight and operational delivery to members is under intense scrutiny.

With access to administration and actuarial experts that understand your unique benefit structures and operational challenges, our solutions support you in building a quality administration service for your members, and fulfil your fiduciary responsibility.

Our people bring expertise and pragmatism to solve complex problems in a cost-effective way.

Find out more about our services to Funds

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