Spence Quarterly Update Q4 2020

Report 26 Jan 2021 By

Normally, looking back on the year just been,
Conjures memories of fun, sun and sights we’ve seen.
Not so, the year just passed.
A year for many held at half-mast.

Yet still we can look back on those 365 days,
And take positives, find light, through the malaise.
Lessons learned; achievements earned.
Loved ones cared; tough moments shared.

Now from the hardship, we can resolve,
To stand up tall and problem solve.
To carry on and continue to grow,
To better ourselves and all we know.

So to that year gone, we bid farewell,
With faith its lingering darkness shall quickly quell.
As we look forward to this fresh year of 2021,
Full of hope, joy and light, when this battle’s won.

2020 was a year that none of us will ever forget. However, it is incumbent on all of us to look back on that year and remember what we learned about each other and ourselves (both personally and professionally) and resolve to take that forward into this new annum.

So, to help with the professional side of that resolution, Spence have compiled this first quarterly report of the year and “book-ended” it, by beginning with a look back at the main stories from 2020 and ending with a look forward to all of the key developments we expect 2021 will bring. The “books” in between those bookends deal with a range of topics, from the renewed focus on tackling pension scammers, the ongoing saga of GMP equalisation and past transfers, developments from The Pensions Regulator, cyber security guidance and much more.

As always, we hope that this quarterly report can be of assistance. From everyone at Spence, we hope you continue to stay safe and enjoy the read.

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