Navigating the Charity Pensions Maze – new publication

Blog 15 Jul 2014 By

I am delighted to have been able to contribute to, and indeed sponsor, the publication of “Navigating the Charity Pensions Maze” produced by Charity Finance Group (CFG). I believe that this document will provide charities with an invaluable reference guide to the complex pension issues they face.

The document was launched on 10th July 2014 in London by CFG with support from Pensions Minister, Steve Webb and also included the launch of a Pensions Manifesto which highlighted the areas of importance and makes proposals how these issues could be effectively improved or reformed.

The Maze document has taken around 6 months to compile, includes detailed research carried out by CFG and covers a wide array of topics which will hopefully allow finance directors, HR managers and CEO’s to find information on the issues which affect their charity and therefore help them get the most from their pension provision.

The key areas covered include defined benefit provision, defined contribution schemes, auto-enrolment, multi-employer pension arrangements and pension accounting. There is also helpful guidance on governance, public sector outsourcing, and the impact of re-structuring right through to how to choose the right adviser to support charities with their pension provision.

CFG’s Chief Executive, Caron Bradshaw, commented: “Charity pensions are becoming an elephant in the room; problems growing in size and complexity but which few are equipped to face due to the enormity of the challenges. 

We’ve stepped forward to address the main issues before this pension time bomb explodes and undermines the sector’s ability to raise funds.

We’re encouraged by the way Government and the Regulator have responded so far. This Manifesto plays a part in articulating the broad range of problems faced and what can be done about them.” I really hope that charity executives and trustees derive a great deal of value from this publication and it makes a real difference to pensions across the sector.

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